
Kerry Says His Vote on Iraq Would Be the Same Today. Are these guys trying to lose the election? Neither will admit to the possibility of being wrong, and I have long held that Kerry is part of the problem with the status quo.

Senator John Kerry said Monday that he would have voted to give the president the authority to invade Iraq even if he had known all he does now about the apparent dearth of unconventional weapons or a close connection to Al Qaeda.

Dangers from terrorism scant compared to other risks, experts say. The sooner Americans realize this, the better. On the other hand, I have often contemplated the carnage that would result if one of those heavily-armed soldiers were to actually fire his rifle inside a busy subway station or airport terminal.

To be sure, bombs or other forms of attack on the homeland could take lives, and the respite since Sept. 11, 2001, may not last. But the danger of average Americans or their loved ones becoming casualties in the war on terrorism is scant compared, say, to the daily risks they face from automobile accidents, crime or weather-related menaces.

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