I dream of totalitarianism

Wow, this may be the first time I have gotten up before 6:30 in the last two weeks. Had a chilling dream this morning. The imagery was so vivid that I was still thinking about the episode while cleaning the litter boxes this morning. I rarely remember the interesting dreams with any decent level of detail…

Back in college, hanging out with some buddies. We sneak into an upscale party. Something unexplained happens, and the whole place is locked down. I notice that the TV (large screen, 1984/Fahrenheit 541-style?) is announcing that one of my buddies is being sought by the authorities. Anyone with information should report it, which is a sure road to being tortured by the police. Search lights flood the area outside the doorway, and the window is the only way out. Except that we are at least five stories above ground level. Oddly, death from falling is a distant concern given the alternative. Without hesitation, I am the first one out the window. Three of us quickly find ourselves dangling from a ledge until the heat dies down.

Fleeing. I have no idea where I’m going. I am in a large but old hotel. Service staff carrying food trays are using the stairs because the elevators are out. Someone comments that the computer is down. A timely hole in the surveillance net. I blend in with the waiters and disappear down the stairs.

Drifting down a watery shaft. In an inner tube? Voices. Wary, I climb off and sneak onto an elevated walkway to observe the scene below. People are walking in my direction, chatting. School buses blink in and out. It takes me a few minutes to realize that I am in a non-police state. I sob with relief.

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