
Swimmin’ in half truths and it makes me wanna spit

Feds Working Against CA Emissions Law. Yet another example of government selling out the people in favor of business interests. Agency employees then called the lawmakers, Democrats and Republicans, working off a script that said letting California implement its own emissions controls on automakers could create “a patchwork of regulations on vehicle emissions which would Swimmin’ in half truths and it makes me wanna spit

Fist in the air in the land of hypocrisy

Venezuela chastises U.S. for its handling of Posada. CIA-sponsored terrorist gets bail and house detention, while Arab men caught up in the eternal “war on terror” are jailed indefinitely without charges and flown secretly to other countries to be tortured. Venezuela’s ambassador to the Organization of American States accused Washington on Wednesday of protecting alleged Fist in the air in the land of hypocrisy

Immoral war

Guantánamo Detainees Stage Hunger Strike. Still a disgrace to our country and the principles on which it was founded. Because reporters are prevented from speaking with detainees or visiting most of their cell blocks, it is difficult to verify the conflicting accounts. Hunger strikes have been part of life at Guantánamo almost since the detention Immoral war


Media outlets battle it out over free-speech rights. Disney’s ABC tries to bully blogger. Mike Stark, another blogger and a Spocko ally, said: “The way to fight free speech that you disagree with is to engage in more free speech. And that’s exactly what Spocko did.” Gonzales says the Constitution doesn’t guarantee habeas corpus. One


Records: NYPD Held GOP Protesters Longer. City fails to hide details of its disgraceful behavior during the RNC. A judge last month rejected the city’s effort to keep secret most of the files and videotapes documenting the arrests, leading to their release. [snip] Records show that arrested protesters on Aug. 31, 2004, were held an


Molly Ivins, Columnist, Dies at 62. Progressives lost a legendary voice yesterday.


Apparently, Bush’s only mistake in starting this war was sending too few troops. What recourse do the people have when a Presidential serial killer runs amok? Impeachment for war crimes and crimes against humanity sounds like a pretty good start to me. Bush claims to be open to new ideas for solving the Iraq situation,


Before his death, I simply thought of Gerald Ford as the President that wrongly pardoned Nixon. Now I consider him a coward as well for not speaking out publicly even though he disagreed with the decision to start the war in Iraq. Although Jimmy Carter, the man to whom Ford eventually lost the election, left